
A bat

You're a bat, unlike me, im a cute lil puppy.
You fancy being around others and going out at nights, unlike me, i enjoy being by myself, and loving every bit of it.
You can't feel something called loneliness, well that's what my viewpoint about you is. You seem to be really good at looking happy and excited most of the time, and you also love spending time with people more than with me, that's what i've concluded so far.
I think you are unable to see how i am disappointed whenever you choose to be out ther than in here.
But well i'm starting to be used to it, and i have to be used to it no matter what.. :)
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second day

Hey guys again, it's thursday and it's also my second day of fasting. Pretty hard yesterday, because i felt thirsty all the time. had to be able to control my nerves inn front of the students who could get really annoying. But well, i was able to finish it up, though i was still at work at that time; teaching. i had some fried food and hot tea to break the fasting. that was good, yummy, enough, and a bit unhealthy i would say :-)

Been listening to my favorite song of all time, can't stop doing it. feels like getting support and motivation when the lyrics and melody are absorbed right into my heart and brain. It's Lenka's song trouble is a friend :p

try listening to this and i am positive you'll fall in love with the song in an instant!

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Puasa sebentar lagi ^^

Dua hari lagi bulan puasa udah dateng lagi, ga terasa hampir setahun juga dari lebaran tahun lalu. Yang lebih disayangin, utang-utang puasa gw dari beberapa tahun lalu belum juga terbayar. Kok sepertinya rasa malas itu kuat sekali kalo ga lagi bulannya, mau puasa kok selalu berasa berat kalo mesti jadi satu-satunya yangg ga makan minum dan orang sekitar kita bebas ngunyem,, dasar payah nih gw, kalo setannya lebih kuat dibanding imannya yah begini deh akibatnya :(

Oh ya, senin ini kantor gw kehilangan satu guru bule lagi, sebenernya hari terakhir dia jumat lalu. Namanya michael, asal irlandia. Ga terlalu sedih juga sih ga ada dia, tapi memang seperti ada yang hilang. Dia kan salah satu dari mereka yang aktif bicara saat rapat; walaupun terkadang apa yang dia bahas suka ga dikerjain juga toh.. tapi ya sudahlah, wong karakter masing-masing manusia itu berbeda..hahaha.. 

Beberapa bulan ini, nyeri dada kiri gw semakin terasa. Kalo dirunut ke belakang, sekitar tiga tahun lalu gw udah merasa kalau ada benjolan di payudara kiri gw. Saat itu gak ada rasa sakit, tapi sekarang nyerinya kadang dateng tiba-tiba. Mau check-up ke dokter bedah umum atau onkologi, waktunya ga pernah ketemu. Kebanyakan para dokter itu prakteknya justru saat hari kerja. Baru tadi gw akhirnya coba telepon ke dua rumah sakit berbeda untuk cari jam yang cocok dengan jam kerja gw.

Nyokap gw yang bertahun yang lalu menganggap gw hanya paranoid dengan si benjolan ini, sekarang justru paling kelihatan dan terdengar panik saat gw belum periksa ke dokter. Tante gw, suami pun sama.. mungkin bukan maksud mereka untuk buat gw ngerasa takut akan apa yang bisa terjadi sama gw kalo gw terus-terusan bikin alesan untuk ngga ke rumah sakit. Jujur gw agak jengah kalo bagian intim gw harus dipegang dan diraba oleh orang-orang asing, begitulah bodohnya gw.. Padahal waktu gw keguguran januari lalu, beberapa suster justru memasukkan obat gw dari bagian tubuh gw yang paling intim, eehh malah pak dokter cowonya yang biasa aja tuh dengan ngerjain ini itu yang gw anggap memalukan.. Ilang sudah harga diri gw saat itu, ibaratnya hehehe.. Untung waktu dikuret, dibius lokal, jadi gak perlu menahan malu, setelah bangun semua sudah kelar tinggal pergi tidur :-)

Ya Allah, mudah-mudahan saat gw periksa nanti, memang ini bukan apa-apa, mudah2an ini cuma kelenjar, gak lebih.. Duuh ngeri dan agak parno..

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Evening guys, it's after ten pm and my eyes are still wide open. Caffeine I predict :-p

adorable pac palette
Been looking at lots of you tube videos on how to do your eye make up, and I have been really wanting to have big and dolly and jolly eyes like those Japanese and Korean celebrities. They look so adorable:) So i decided to browse through the net in order to get images of some of the best eye shadow brands in town. I have been using dolly contact lenses, the thing is, sometimes they hurt the upper part of my eyelid. I have been born with small eyes, but not slanted, and because of the dolly eye lenses, some people think that they make my eyes look scary. They just don't fit. Eye shadow may do it better hopefully. I saw PAC advert first, since it's like the number one Indonesian make up brand; it's still affordable but still does your face good!

I haven't had the time to go straight into the mall lately, so i don't know yet how much it can cost me. 

expensive bodyshop
BodyShop is also on my list, but the thing is it's way too expensive, my dear. The last time I bought their product was like three years ago, I purchased the compact powder (IDR 200.000).
even a small palette like the one in the picture can cost me more than IDR 300.000! Id rather buy food and fruit and oatmeal..hahaha..

Anyways, talking about all those how to do your make-up videos on youtube, i have become familiar with some names; one of them is known as xteeener. She has made lots of useful and helpful videos on make-up. Because right now i only wanna focus on my eyes, i dont really spend too much time watching other kinds of videos beside the eye make-up ones..
This one is also one of my favorites...

Your eyes can turn into sexy looking eyes in only a few minutes; well yeah you need to concentrate, and you also have to be patient and that sort of stuff..but i dont care..hahaaha.. what i do care is how i am gonna be able to save some money to get these much faster, good intention, isn't it?

Night guys ;)

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Hey guys, it's Sunday and i have been sitting in front of the computer for nearly three hours. Time runs really rapidly when i enjoy doing it, too bad it doesn't happen when we are in the middle of a ridiculous situation.

Yesterday, i had this low level class consisting of six students; all are between the age of ten to thirteen. Two of them are extremely weak, even though they study at a pretty popular and expensive school. but now i know that doesn't mean a lot. there's also this girl. I knew it from the very start i met her that she's kinda special; you know what i am trying to say don't you. During our ten minute break time  she asked me if she could use the toilet. then i said okay. after around two minutes, she came back to class and said, "miss, how can i flush? i want to poop but i don't know where the flush is." in kids' language.
I started to panic a bit, fearing she would ask me to assist her in the toilet. She asked me to come with her, and that very moment i was showing her the flush, she pulled her shorts down! oh my lord, she's half naked. thank god she's female and not the opposite. So i said to her, "now I'm gonna wait for you outside and you had better close the door." i was saved, hahaha.. Anyways, they're quite tense but funny eventually :-)

oh yeah, almost forgot to mention this. so last week, i and hubby went to visit his mother in Bogor. We decided to go there by bike. It took us almost two hours. On the way back to Jakarta, i decided to stop by at an Acehnese restaurant we had seen the day before because they serve Roti canae. I was so excited when i was ordering it; imagining it as a super dish. It was ready less than ten minutes. but by the time i had a glimpse of it, i was like.. no it's not what i want. In my mind, roti canae is supposed to be circular and moist. What was placed on the table was more like pieces of fried dough. :(  the image next looks even better..

roti canae
I was disappointed, honestly I was. I told my hubby to finish it up. i didn't eat most of the roti canae, the lamb curry gave me a headache; probably it's because i am not allowed to eat fattening food like that. my dad died because of high blood pressure if you are wondering why..
Still i had always thought of roti canae as yummy, moist, soft, and appetizing..just like this..
yummy roti canae :)
Hey it's now ten after five, i havent done my evening prayer, such a bad girl..
I am listening to this Korean female singing group called WONDER GIRLS, I found out weeks ago that lots of my students (kids mostly) really love these Korean singers. I tried listening to a few of their songs, but what can i say.. they dance well, they don't really sing well. They are obviously pretty :) guess kids love them not for their voices but perhaps because of how they dance, they expose those girly sexy moves and they're cute as well. If you wanna know if I am one of their fans, the answer is NO! 
i am never a fan of any band or singer or personality. 

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