

Assalamualaikum w.b.r.

Sempena tahun baru 2011 ini, saya percaya pastinya setiap orang menyimpan azam yang baru juga. Ianya sentiasa berubah-ubah seiring dengan perubahan zaman dan waktu yang dilalui oleh semua orang.  Walau apa jua pun azam yang anda tanamkan dalam diri anda, mari kita sama-sama nilai kembali ke mana azam anda itu dinoktahkan…?

Secebis pengalaman dariku

Selama 6 tahun saya menuntut ilmu agama di sebuah sekolah bernama Maahad Muhammadi Pasir Mas, dari tg.1 hinggalah ke tg.6. Seperti sahabat-sahabat semua, sememangnya terlalu banyak kenangan suka dan duka semasa bergelar pelajar.

Tetapi bukan itu yang mahu saya ceritakan dan kongsi bersama pembaca tetapi sebuah kesimpulan tentang diri saya, tentang apa yang saya rasa dan fikirkan serta  cebisan pengalaman selama menuntut ilmu di bangku sekolah.

Masa ni, di peringkat sekolah ini, saya juga ingin jadi seperti kawan-kawan yang lain. Ingin menikmati sepuas-puasnya saat waktu bergelar remaja. Ingin mengecapi segalanya apa yang ada di hadapan mata. 

Dengan teknologi yang serba canggih, cara hidup yang sangat terpengaruh dengan rakan-rakan membuatkan segalanya nampak indah dan mengasyikkan. Hidup terasa penuh dengan warna warni.

Sememangnya melalui fasa menjadi remaja, lebih-lebih lagi pada akhir zaman ini bukanlah suatu fasa yang mudah. Di saat ini, jiwa terlalu rapuh, ilmu di dada dengan pengetahuan agama masih terlalu cetek dan sedikit apatah lagi untuk mengamalkannya.

Jiwa remaja penuh dengan keterujaan, dihiasi dengan sifat inkuiri yang  ingin mencuba sesuatu perkara yang baru. Ditambah pula penangan ‘cinta monyet’, aduhai menjadikan remaja semakin asyik dan tenggelam dalam ‘keasyikan’ tersebut...

Meskipun sudah mempelajari asas ilmu agama selama 6 tahun di sekolah, sememangnya saya akui, ia masih tidak mencukupi untuk  menjamin seseorang remaja itu teguh jiwanya, lebih-lebih lagi godaan di zaman remaja cukup hebat. Tidak akan mampu ditepis melainkan yang benar-benar teguh dan mantap jiwanya dengan tarbiyah dari penghayatan Islam.

“ Life is short, make it sweet!”

(Hidup ini singkat, jadikan ia indah). Itu falsafah yang dipegang oleh kebanyakan remaja zaman era sekarang.

Benar. Hidup ini sangat singkat. Tetapi, apakah ia tiket untuk kita berseronok dengan sepuas-puasnya di atas dunia ini?

Sesungguhnya jika kita mengindahkannya dengan cara yang tidak berlandaskan kebenaran, pasti akan tersasar jauh dari landasan yang sebenar dan kesannya mengakibatkan penyesalan yang berpanjangan pula di ‘sana’.

Firman Allah Taala:

“Dan tiadalah kehidupan dunia ini, selain dari main-main dan senda gurau belaka. Dan sungguh kampung akhirat itu lebih baik bagi orang-orang yang bertaqwa. Maka tidakkah kamu memahaminya” (Al An'aam : 32)

“Adakah kamu lebih suka dengan kehidupan dunia daripada akhirat? (Kesukaan kamu itu salah) kerana kesenangan hidup di dunia ini hanya sedikit jua berbanding dengan (kesenangan hidup) di akhirat kelak.” (Surah At-Taubah: 3)

Renungilah kalam peringatan Ilahi tersebut. Itu hakikatnya.  

Kemudian saya mulai sedar,
'hidup ini bukan sekadar biasa seperti yang saya selalu fikirkan..! '               

Kita semua hamba yang akan kembali

Ya. kita semua sama-sama hanyalah hamba yang suatu hari nanti akan kembali kepada-Nya.

Itu hakikat yg pasti. Kita akan kembali ke satu alam yang abadi, di akhirat nanti.

Lantas, apakah masih ingin hidup seperti yang hati kita mahu, terus-terusan mengikut hawa nafsu serta semakin asyik dan tenggelam dgn keasyikan duniawi yang sementara ini?

Wahai saudaraku!

Sedarlah. Hidup ini sememangnya bukan sekadar biasa seperti yang kita fikirkan.

Kita semua sang pengembara, sang musafir yang kini terus berjalan dan berjalan tanpa henti sebelum sampai ke sebuah destinasi terakhir.

Kematian pula sebagai permulaan untuk kita hidup kekal di sebuah tempat abadi, samada dalam keadaan bahagia atau duka.

Pilihlah selagi dapat memilih

Berada di dalam syurga atau neraka. Hanya dua pilhan itu yang Allah akan pilih untuk kita. Tika saat itu, kita langsung tidak berhak untuk memlilih.

Tetapi ingatlah. Kita masih bisa memilihnya semasa kita hidup di dunia ini. Sekarang ini. Detik ini. Tika kita masih lagi diberi nafas ini…

Jika redha Allah yang kita pilih, maka seluruh cara hidup juga sedaya upaya akan kita usahakan ke arah itu untuk meraih nikmatnya syurga.

Namun jika jalan fahsya (keji) juga yang menjadi pilihan kita, maka Allah juga memberikan setimpal dengan apa yang hamba-Nya kerjakan. Allah tidak pernah zalim, kecuali manusialah yang sentiasa menzalimi diri mereka sendiri.

Penutup: renungi kembali azam yang dibina

Kesimpulannya, apa pun azam yang anda sematkan dalam jiwa anda di tahun baru 2011 ini, maka nilailah sebaik mungkin azam tersebut;

apakah titik noktah azam itu diakhiri dengan meraih redha-Nya atau cuma untuk kesenangan dunia semata-semata??

Justeru itu, mari sama-sama kita renungi kalam suci Ilahi ini semoga menjadi peringatan untuk diriku dan diri kalian jua…

“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kepada Allah dan hendaklah setiap diri memerhatikan (merenung) apa yang telah diperbuat nya untuk hari esok (akhirat), dan bertakwalah kepada Allah, sesungguhnya Allah Maha mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan” (al-hasyr:18)

Semoga dengan azam yang kita bina, sama-sama dipermudahkan dan dirahmati oleh Sang Khalik yang Maha Mengetahui apa jua yang kita niatkan kepada azam tersebut…sekian.

p/s: Jika ditanya kepada penulis, apa azam baru tahun 2011 nie? Jawapannya ringkas, ‘ingin perbaiki diri menjadi sebenar-benar hamba, hamba kepada Pencipta Hamba...’
~nukilan rasa (1 a.m-1/1/2011)~

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Female Mosques and Female Imams in China

I just came across this happy news through Unsettled Soul's blog.

In a country with about 21 million Muslims, women also have their own mosques to worship in
China distinguishes itself in the Muslim world with a long tradition of female imams.

These imams or ahong – a Persian derived word – perform many of the same duties their male counterparts do. They lead prayers and teach the Qur'an but can’t lead funeral rituals or wash male corpses.

"In a country with about 21 million Muslims, women also have their own mosques to worship in – another practice different from other countries," said Shui Jingjun, of the Henan Academy of Social Sciences who co-authored a book on the subject. Women administered these mosques and women serve as the imams there.

In many other countries women attend the same mosques as men but pray behind partitions or in separate rooms. Many women’s mosques in central China began in the late 17th century as Qur'anic schools for girls. Then about 100 years ago, they evolved into women’s mosques.

Female imams can earn as little as $40 a month which is one-third of what’s earned in other jobs. This wage is not enough for women who need to support their families. This worries third-generation imam Sun Chengying who has been practicing for 21 years.

“I haven’t had any students since 1996,” she said. “Women don’t want to be imams anymore, because the salaries in the mosques are too low. No one is willing to do it.”

But the state-controlled Islamic Association of China has given political help to establish some women’s mosques in northwest China, where historically there were no such mosques.

While most Muslims in central China support female mosques, some Muslims who live closer to China’s border with Pakistan and Afghanistan don’t approve.

"Educating Muslim women is an important job," said Guo Baoguang of the Islamic Association of Kaifeng. But Baoguang admitted he was criticized for organizing religious education forums for Muslim men and women to participate in together.

Guo dismissed comments that women shouldn’t take part in social activities and should be restricted to the home.

“Given the fast development of China’s economy, and as its political status rises, I think Chinese Islam will become more important in the Islamic world,” Guo said. “The development Chinese Islam has made, like the role played by Chinese women, will be more accepted by Muslim elsewhere in the world.”

While Muslims may debate about whether women can be imams, Morocco became the first country in the Arab world to officially sanction training female religious leaders in 2006.

Original Source: ILLUME
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The Prophet's Wives: Khadija and Aisha

I've recently been coming across some interesting perspectives on the two honorable ladies, Khadija and Aisha (God be pleased with them), and what they represent.

Leila Ahmed discusses the two and what they represent greatly in her book Women and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate, but the first time I read about them was in "Women, Islam, and Patriarchalism" by Ghada Karmi in the book Feminism and Islam: Legal and Literary Perspectives, edited by Mai Yamani. In the article/chapter, Ghada Karmi questions the claim that the status of women before Islam was horrific. She uses the example of the Prophet’s first wife, Khadija, to prove that, while some women may have been oppressed, it certainly was not the case with Khadjia; she was, after all, a businesswoman, proposed to the Prophet for her own hand, was fifteen years older than the Prophet, and did not have any co-wives, as did the Prophet’s wives whom he married after Khadija. Karmi also reminds he readers that while Aisha’s role as a political leader was not controversial during the transition from jahiliya ("time of ignorance") to early Islam, it became so only in the minds of later scholars of Islam. ('Tis truuuuuuue!!)

So, Aisha represents the transition from women's liberation through Islam to their oppression during the later eras of Islam. However, let's not the following also: Aisha represents the woman after Islam and Khadjia represents the woman before Islam.

Now it all makes sense, but I'd never thought of the two like this. Makes for an interesting study of classical women's texts!

In the next blog, I'm gonna paste and excerpt from Leila Ahmed's (or is it Fatima Mernissi's? Not sure yet) text on women/feminism and Islam, a conversation between the Prophet and a woman from the "jahiliya." It made me realize what all we've done to the "jahiliya" period just to claim that before Islam, women were oppressed and so terribly treated that had it not been for Islam, women would be treated like dirt -- all over the world. Uh, wrong.
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My Response to "A Woman's Reflection on Leading Prayer"

I once read an article called A Woman's Reflection on Leading Prayer, and I would like to share my response to it here.

But before I explain why I disagree with her (like more than strongly), it seems that we're more for choice, right? (The author herself doesn't say anything like "it's haraam to lead!" If it was haraam, she wouldn't have to write that article; it would be understood, and there'd be no point in debating it.) As in, if a woman doesn't want to "be like a man" (lol?), then she doesn't have to lead men in prayers, right? But if she wants to do so, then she can? (Um... no, I don't think that to lead someone in prayer or in any other way is to be like a man -- to me, that shows that we subconsciously see men as better leaders than women by nature. And I don't think men are better leaders than women naturally; it varies from person to person.

As can be noted, I completely disagree with the author, Yasmin Mogahed. It’s the typical perspective that most Muslims hold, so nothing new there, really. I wish men and women who are against female imams would come up with more creative reasons and explanations, since this is getting just too redundant and I don't find it cogent at all.

Allow me to explain -- though, before that, I'd like to request my readers that if you agree with Yasmin and disagree with me, refute my *justifications*, not my conclusion.

Clearly, author Yasmin believes that the only people who can have “equal rights” are those who *look* the same, are born the same. This, too, is a typical perspective; nothing new. But why do we have to define equality to mean sameness? Equality does not equal sameness. Why do we have to look the same in order to have equal rights? If we're gonna use this argument, even then it's flawed. All men are men, yes. And all men are equal, since all of them look the same, right? Wrong. They might be "equal" but they do not look the same at all. The only thing they have in common with each other is their reproductive organs, nothing more. An example would be ... oh, I don't know - I guess that Chinese man doesn't look like a South Asian man?

Certainly, we all agree that there are basic rights that ALL humans should have, regardless of their gender and class, right? Those might include the right to education and the right to work if one wants and the right for one to choose one's partner and so on. The problem is, who defines “basic” rights? Who said working falls under "basic" rights? Who said education has to fall under “basic rights”? And what law is there that says leading doesn’t fall under it? What if, to me and millions of others, being able to lead men in prayer should be a basic rights *available* to women? (And, no, not just leading children and other women but leading men as well. If men can lead women in prayers, what is it ABOUT women that says they should not or cannot?)

Also, I don't think that doing things that men do (if women are just as capable of doing them as men are) should mean that women want to be like men, or that they see men as superior.

Something else I’d like to know is ... what IS it about women that screams, “I am not allowed to lead prayers *because* I am a woman”?

And what does this have to do with westernization? I mean, did you guys know that in 1991, a British priest denied his position – as respected as he was all over Britain – because, he said, “I fear that women are now denying God’s commands, which clearly state that women may NOT become priests. I cannot lead such a corrupt society.” (I read this in one of Karen Armstrong’s books; don’t remember the title of the book, though, sorry.) So, really, it has nothing to do with the west, because even the west is still against it.

Now on some comments in the article.

For 1400 years there has been a consensus of the scholars that men are to lead prayer.

So? Author Yasmin forgets that this “consensus” was done by a group of CERTAIN men *who mattered*. Why does it have to become "Islamic" just because they decided on it? And you seriously mean to tell me that no one disagreed with them, that every single person in the group actually agreed to that? I guess that means that if you got someone in the circle who wants to say, “Wait, wait, why shouldn’t women be allowed to lead men in prayer again?” he’s kicked out of the circle.

At leas the author realizes that there’s nothing WITHIN Islam that says women can’t lead prayers; it’s the interpretations of scholars, and not just any scholars but male scholars. No, I do not deny the scholarship of the male scholars like Abu Hanifa by any means, but I’m only trying to remind us that women were never allowed to present THEIR stance on ANY issue in Islamic thought. I find that rather unfair and incomplete.

Besides, can we say that the REASON they denied women the right to lead men in prayers is that it was absolutely forbidden in practically all religions and cultures? Women just weren’t allowed.

The author above also seems to think that only men can join the army. Umm... she must be reminded that Aisha led the Battle of Camel (against Ali). What do we call that? Not just JOINING the army: even leading it, too!

The one who leads prayer is not spiritually superior in any way.

But, oh, I disagree – I think the one who leads the prayer IS considered spiritually superior. Think about it: Will we pick just ANYONE form the street and ask him to be our imam? Would we choose someone we know drinks, sleeps around, doesn't respect elders, rarely prays, etc., etc.? No, we’re going to choose someone whom we KNOW to be a righteous, good practicing Muslim. That, to me, shows that the person has to be (outwardly) better spiritually in the community.

Had it been the role of women or had it been more divine, why wouldn't the Prophet have asked Ayesha or Khadija, or Fatima-the greatest women of all time-to lead? These women were promised heaven-and yet they never lead prayer.

Just because the Prophet didn’t ask Khadija or Aisha to lead prayer doesn’t mean it’s forbidden. Not a good argument to tell me why a woman shouldn't lead prayers. It's all contextual. Perhaps it has to do with the social norms of a time (not that I believe that breaking a norm is un-Islamic at all, though, but just saying that the Prophet's not saying women CAN lead men in prayers doesn't mean they can't). We’re forgetting that our scholars, as knowledgeable and brilliant as many of them have been, were products of their society. This doesn’t mean they were wrong; it means that there was only so much they could say that would be against the norms of the societies that bred them. You see, there's nothing in the Quran that tells us that women can't marry Christians or Jews; the Quran is silent on women's marrying men from the people of the book -- it says MEN can, but it doesn't say women can't. Does that mean women can't? For over 1400 years, it's agreed upon that Muslim women cannot marry Christians/Jews. (More on this in an upcoming post.)

On the other hand, only a woman can be a mother. And God has given special privilege to a mother. The Prophet taught us that heaven lies at the feet of mothers. But no matter what a man does he can never be a mother. So why is that not unfair?

Wait, did I really just read, "Why is it not unfair that a man can't be a mother?" . . . What?! He gets to be the father, and the woman gets to be the mother. What's the point? Or is the author asking why it's not unfair that heaven lies beneath the feet of the mother but not those of the father? That calls for an interesting discussion, but here's what I can say at the moment: The woman goes through a hell of pain to give birth; the man doesn't go through ANY pain whatsoever leading a group of people in prayer. Again, there’s nothing inherent about a woman that denies her the position of leading prayer – but there’s everything inherent about a woman that gives her the position of motherhood. So when the dear author above says that women are honored with the position of motherhood, it doesn't tell me ANYTHING about why a woman/mother can't lead prayers. The Great Amina Wadud, for example, doesn’t deny her motherhood; on the contrary, she is a proud and loving mother of several children (I'd know because I'm on her FB friends list.) Also ... there's a HUGE difference between a "mother" and a "wife" (or just a woman in general). You can't compare wife to mother, really. We all know that Islam highly respects mothers, even hadiths respect them and all scholars agree on the position of *mothers* in Islam -- but it's the position of wives that they do not agree on. So, for the author to say, "God has honored the woman by making her a mother" is not a good enough argument because just as a woman can be a mother, a man can be a father. So, what about men (who can be fathers) says that they can lead women in prayers while women (who can be mothers) can't lead men in prayers?

But just because the woman goes through monthly pain of menstruation and the extreme pains of labor during birth doesn’t mean she can’t lead men in prayer. I guess what I'm asking for is ... biological proof that the woman should not lead men in prayers. (I'll explain the whole feminine figure thingie and a woman's voice being "naturally hotter, sexier, more seductive" than men's later.)

And there’s also nothing inherent about a man that MAKES him a leader, be it a leader of a congregational prayer or of a household or of a country or of a community. So when this author says:

Given my privilege as a woman, I only degrade myself by trying to be something I’m not – and in all honesty – don’t want to be: a man

it seems to me that she's saying that men are NATURALLY better leaders that women are. How is leading people in prayer being man-like? Aren’t you giving a man the honorable position of leading while utterly forbidding it on the woman?

Then, after working, we were expected to be superhuman—the perfect mother, the perfect wife, the perfect homemaker—and have the perfect career.

Okay, so don’t work. Why do people make it seem like feminism demands that all women work? Not at all. Feminism demands that women be given choices, that they be allowed to speak for their own selves and make their own decisions when they want. It doesn’t say that any woman who doesn’t work is oppressed or uneducated or illiterate. There's a difference. In the same way, (some Muslim) women want to be ALLOWED to lead prayers if they want to do it; they are not saying that we should be obligated to do it.

Feminism doesn’t say that women should be the perfect homemaker and perfect housewives: in fact, it is completely against the idea of reducing women to domestic life. Feminism honors the woman by saying, “Woman, you have SO much more to offer this world; not only do you have the natural ability to give birth, but you also have the intellect to excel in business, commerce, scholarship, the arts, the sciences, and so on. Why not discover your skills and put them to use if you want?”

No woman should feel obligated to work – but my belief is that no man should either. We need to stop with our double-standards.

It took women in the West almost a century of experimentation to realize a privilege given to Muslim women 1400 years ago.

Aaaannd ... exactly what privilege would that be? And what if I disagree that it’s a “privilege” to be at home all day long (especially if you don’t want your life that way)? What if you WANT to lead men in prayer but are forbidden so by a select group of people (by people, I mean men)?

I could go on and on with the millions of holes I find in this author’s arguments against feminism and women leading prayers, but more some other time.

One thing though … if someone wants to argue that the reason women shouldn’t lead men in prayer is that when they bend down for ruku and sajda, their backs show, I must ask ... but men’s backs show as well; what are women supposed to do then? Or are women like precious little barbie dolls and therefore don't have any desires or feelings -- or, no wait! They're not allowed to have desires! Shucks. And if it’s her voice, what about the man’s voice? I am sure most girls are likely to say, “No, no, men’s voices aren’t THAT hot! Who gets turned on by them?!” Well, I disagree: Many orators of the Quran have voices that have the power to KILL a woman because they’re so damn hot that one could listen to it ALL day long. If you find this disgusting, then allow me to say: I find it disgusting that women are not allowed to lead prayers just because their voices are SOMEHOW ‘naturally hotter’ than men’s, OR that the reason we don’t have any female orators is that men might get turned on by their voice. That’s not disgusting?

And what DO we make of the woman when we deny her these positions of leadership just because of her shape? Sorry, but I find that degrading because it reduces the woman to a sexual object. (More on this in another blog post.)

If given a choice between stoic justice and compassion, I choose compassion. And if given a choice between worldly leadership and heaven at my feet-I choose heaven.

1. The author acknowledges that the fact that women are not allowed to lead men in prayer is unjust!
2. She fails to explain what the leading of women has to do with "compassion" and/or why a woman who leads prayer is no longer compassionate (what?).
3. She implies that you either get to have heaven lie beneath your feet OR lead prayer. Since when did this become the case? And, again, the whole heaven deal applies only to mothers, not to just women in general :)
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Semalam ku melihat pohon semalu
tumbuh liar di belakang rumahku
lalu ku sentuh ia
auch, sakit! ada duri rupanya
seraya ku cuba pegang
terus daun-daunnya 
terkatup, mengucup

lama ku perhati
selang berapa ketika
ia mengembang kembali
seperti asalnya
lalu ku sentuh lagi
sama seperti tadi
terkatup lagi…

Sambil merenung
Ku berfikir…
Alangkah bagusnya jika
Wanita dapat jadi seperti itu
Seperti pohon semalu??

Oh, tidak!
Mana cantik pohon semalu
Wanita ibarat bunga lah
Bunga-bunga yang indah
Mana cantik jika diibaratkan
Seperti pohon semalu??

Memang, ku akui itu
Cantik atau tidak
Bukan itu persoalannya
Seperti juga rupa
Tidak semuanya memiliki paras jelita
Tetapi ukuran cantik itu
Pada kecantikan agamanya
Pada kecantikan jiwanya
Pada kecantikan peribadinya

Oleh itu ku ingin wanita2
Menjadi seperti pohon semalu
Biar tidak cantik dipandang
Tetapi terlindung oleh duri-duri
Yang memagari diri

Jadilah seperti pohon semalu itu
Tetap teguh menjaga maruah diri
Jika didekati lelaki ajnabi
Masih ada duri yang membenteng diri
Biar diajak dan digoda
Namun iman masih teguh di dada
Biar mrk berasa terluka
Itulh benteng perisai hawa nafsu durjana

Jadilah seperti pohon semalu itu
Dihiasi indah dengan sifat malu
Tanpa anugerah malu yg Allah berikan
Hilanglah harga dirimu
Tanpa malu
kamu tidak segan-silu bercinta
kamu tidak merasa dating itu berdosa
kamu bangga membuka aurat mempamer dada
 kamu tidak malu untuk berbuat apa sahaja
sehingga lahirnya ank zina yg tidak berdosa

Sedangkan wanita yang beriman
Malunya mereka untuk melanggar syariat2Nya
Malunya mereka untuk melampaui batasanNya
Kerana apa?
Kerana malunya mereka kepada Sang Pencipta
Yang senantiasa memerhatikan
Gerak-geri semua makhlukNya

Jadilah seperti pohon semalu itu
Bukan seperti bunga hiasan
Yang dipuji dan dipuja orang
Bila bosan dibuang ke longkang
Tetapi seperti semalu
Biar melukut di tepi gantang
Biar tiada mata yang memandang

Namun yakinlah
Para Langit menyanjung
Bidadara syurga tersenyum
Kerana keyakinanmu pada Sang Agung
Menjunjung teguh syariat2-Nya
Demi meraih redha-Nya cuma

Oleh itu, kaumku..
Engkau insan istimewa
Bahawa kelembutan bukan kelemahan
Tetapi dalam kelembutan ada keindahan
Ada duri yang memagari keselamatan iman
Bahawa kecantikan tiada abadi
Melainkan kecantikan hati nurani
tersimpan rapi di sebalik hijab diri
tersembunyi sekeping hati yang takutkan Ilahi
balasannya adalah syurga yang menanti…

Jadilah seperti pohon semalu itu!

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Langkah Tercipta

Semalam aku kelukaan
Kecewa kehampaan
Mencalar ketabahan
Mimpi yang sering kuharapkan
Menjadi kenyataan
Namun tak kesampaian…

Inginku hentikan langkah ini
Bagaikan tak mampu untuk ku bertahan
Semangat tenggelam lemah daya
Haruskah aku mengalah namun
Jiwaku berbisik inilah dugaan…

Dan mataku kini terbuka
Pada hikmah dugaan
Menguji keimanan
Tak kan dilontarkan-Nya ujian
Diluar kekuatan setiap diri insan…

Pimpinlah diriku
Untuk bangkit semula
Meneruskan langkah perjuangan ini
Cekalkan hati dan semangatku
Kurniakan ketabahan
Agar mimpi jadi nyata
PadaMu ku meminta…

Dan ku mohon agung kudratMu
Wahai Tuhan Yang Satu
Segalanya dariMu…

Album : Langkah Tercipta
Munsyid : Unic

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“Sedihnya... Kenapa Allah tidak memakbulkan jua permintaan kita, padahal hati kita telah tulus berhijrah ke sana semata-mata untuk berjihad menuntut ilmu agama-Nya..?” Pandangan terasa semakin kelam. Hati semakin merintih-rintih dan bertanya, ‘Kenapa Ya Allah…?? Tidak bisa mengabulkan permintaan ini??’

Luahan Hati

Ini antara luahan hati kami yang tidak dapat berhijrah ke bumi anbiya’. Begitu lama hasrat di hati tersimpan kukuh untuk menjejakkan kaki ke sana, mendamba ilmu agama yang cukup hebat dan masyhur di mata dunia. 

Namun bukan itu yang kami cari, tetapi sebuah jihad untuk menuntut ilmu-Nya dengan lebih mendalam, di bumi  Mesir, Jordan, Syria dan lain-lain lagi yang sememangnya menjadi impian bagi setiap pelajar seperti kami, yang mengambil aliran dalam bidang agama. Itu hanyalah cebisan sebuah kisah kami. Sebuah impian yang tidak tertunai dan kesampaian.

Setiap orang mempunyai impian mereka yang tersendiri. Ada pelajar yang telah belajar bersungguh-sungguh, tetapi kenapa keputusan peperiksaannya masih juga tidak cemerlang? Ada orang yang bercita-cita ingin menjadi doktor misalnya tetapi kenapa akhirnya menjadi ustaz? Ada orang yang telah lama menyimpan harapan untuk berkahwin dengan si dia, tetapi kenapa akhir jodohnya Allah datangkan orang yang tidak seperti kehendak di hati?

Perasaan Yang Sama

Saya yakin dan percaya semua orang pernah merasakan perasaan yang sama. Perasaan sedih.  Kecewa. Berduka. Sebuah perasaan yang tidak dapat  diungkapkan dengan kata-kata apabila kita tidak dapat menggapai sesuatu yang selama ini kita impi-impikan. Setelah berhempas pulas kita berusaha namun Allah tidak mengizinkan jua. Sebuah harapan yang mekar tersimpan di dalam hati, namun di saat akhirnya hancur. Lebur. Semangat juga seakan-akan hilang ditiup angin putus asa.

Apakah ia tanda Allah tidak menyayangi? Tidak!
Apakah ia tanda Allah membenci? Tentu sekali tidak!
Apakah Allah tidak mengendahkan doa-doa kita panjatkan? Mustahil!

Lantas, kenapa Allah masih tidak ingin memberi apa kita mahukan itu??

Apa Sebabnya?

Inilah jawapannya. Allah s.w.t berfirman kepada sang hamba:

“Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui.” (Al-Baqarah: 216)

Subhanallah! Ringkas jawapan-Nya, hanyalah 1 ayat. Tetapi sangat mendalam maknanya untuk kita renungi dan hayati.

Indahnya kalam Tuhan. Hati semakin terpujuk. Jiwa yang rawan semakin tenang...

Allah Maha Mengetahui Lagi Maha Mendengar

Duhai teman!

Bukan kita tidak berusaha. Berhempas pulas sedaya upaya untuk mencapai apa yang kita idam-idamkan. Bukan pula kita tidak berdoa, siang malam kita menadahkan tangan dan Allah sememangnya Maha Mendengar permintaan hati kita. Bukan jua niat kita tidak murni, telah tulus suci kita matlamatkan harapan dan impian itu semata-mata kerana-Nya.

Bukan Dia tidak tahu betapa mengharapnya kita agar impian kita terlaksana. Bukan Dia tidak tahu mengalirnya air mata sedih dan kecewa di saat kita tidak dapat meraih apa yang kita mahukan. Bukan Dia tidak tahu pedihnya hati dan jiwa kita untuk menerima hakikat itu. Dan Maha Suci Allah jauh sekali dari sifat zalim terhadap hamba-hamba-Nya.

Itu Yang Terbaik

Hakikat yang pasti;

‘Sesungguhnya, Allah Maha Tahu apa yang TERBAIK untuk hamba-hambaNya.’

Jika kita merasakan hal yang kita inginkan itu sememangnya sudah baik dan bagus untuk kita, tetapi ALLAH LEBIH TAHU batasan ‘baik’ dan ‘bagus’ itu sekadar mana untuk diri kita. Jika kita merasakan perkara itulah yang terbaik untuk kita, tetapi ALLAH LEBIH TAHU kadar had ‘terbaik’ itu untuk diri kita.

Sesungguhnya pengetahuan kita sebagai hamba cukup terbatas kerana dimensi pengetahuan tersebut hanyalah secara zahir yang kita boleh nampak, tetapi kuasa Agung Pengetahuan-Nya meliputi langit dan bumi, yang zahir mahupun tersembunyi.

Justeru itu, berhentilah berduka, berhentilah merasa kecewa sedang ALLAH telah merencanakan untuk setiap hamba-Nya ‘TAKDIR YANG JAUH LEBIH BAIK DARI YANG KITA SANGKAKAN.’

Terimalah hakikat tersebut walaupun pahit untuk ditelan dengan hati yang terbuka. Lapangkan dada dan jiwa kita. Tiada gunanya terus-terusan kita meratapi perkara itu, ianya akan membuatkan kita semakin rasa terhimpit dengan asakan emosi dan perasaan  yang semakin menyesakkan dada. Pemikiran kita juga akan menjadi sempit, jiwa akan terus berkeluh kesah, bimbangilah jika ia berterusan, kemungkinan besar akan merosakkan iman kita tanpa disedari.

“Allah memberi apa yang kita PERLU, bukan memberi apa yang kita MAHU”

Bimbinglah Hati Melihat Hikmah Ilahi

Duduk dan bertenanglah. Jernihkan fikiran dengan zikrullah. Renung dan muhasabahkan diri. Jangan terlalu difikirkan sebab mengapa kita tidak memperolehnya, tetapi fikirkanlah HIKMAH yang Allah sembunyikan dari kita. Mungkin tika ini kita sememangnya ‘buta’ untuk melihat hikmah tersebut, tetapi yakinlah suatu saat Allah akan ungkapkan jua hikmah itu kepada kita. 

Mungkin suatu hari nanti kita akan bersyukur pula kerana tidak mendapat apa yang kita mahukan itu tetapi Allah telah menggantikan ia dengan yang lain, yang jauh lebih baik dari yang kita sangkakan.

Akhir Kalam, Yakinlah!

Keyakinan pada Allah harus mantap, jangan sesekali goyah berpegang dengan-Nya. Sesungguhnya Allah menguji kesabaran diri. Allah juga menguji keyakinan dan keteguhan iman di hati. Teruslah menyakini tanpa ragu-ragu, nescaya Allah pasti tidak akan mensia-siakan diri kita malah akan semakin meneguhkan kedudukan kita sebagai hamba-Nya yang soleh. 

Dengan rasa pasrah menerima takdiran dari-Nya, percayalah Dia akan memberi cahaya kebahagiaan, disirami dengan rasa ketenangan di dalam jiwa, yang tidak mungkin kita miliki kecuali dengan curahan kasih sayang dari Ilahi di atas sifat redha kita terhadap-Nya...


p/s: Hujah dalam artikel ini bukan beerti kita tidak perlu berusaha menggapai impian dengan beralasan takdir Allah lebih baik dari yang kita rancangkan, jangan disalah-fahamkan pemikiran anda. Tetapi penjelasan penulis adalah ingin menerangkan kenapa dan mengapa kita tidak memperoleh apa yang telah kita usahakan itu. Semoga sama-sama kita membuka minda merenungi hikmah yang terselindung dan memujuk hati dalam menerima segala takdiran dari Ilahi…!

~Carilah Hikmah Dalam Setiap Ketentuan Tuhan, Agar Timbul Rasa Kesyukuran dan Keredhaan~

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