
~Segala Yang Terahsia~


Alhamdulillah. Selesai sudah pengajian ijazahku.

Menuntut ilmu Usuluddin selama 3 tahun di bumi Insaniah, Allah mengajariku banyak ilmu dan tarbiyahNya tidak pernah lengang menemani.

Termenung sendiri.

Mencari makna di balik semua ‘pentarbiyahan’ ujian yang DIA beri.

Sungguh, untuk mentafsirkan sesuatu hal yang bernama ‘hikmah’, ianya sangat sulit.

Sangat halus, dan sangat sukar untuk dimengertikan dengan kalam.

Bahasa tubuh tidak akan pernah sama dengan bahasa jiwa.

Bahasa tubuh mungkin bisa menipu, bibir tersenyum pahit, tetapi hati jujur menangis pilu.

“Merenung sendiri.
Pada setiap kisah duka yang mengiringi.
Untuk semua hajat yang tidak kesampaian.
Untuk semua doa yang masih belum dimakbulkan.
Untuk semua rasa yang terpendam.
Untuk semua hal yang hilang.

Terasa longlai langkah kaki.
Terasa berat untuk terus melangkah.
Terasa dunia ini sangat duka untukku.
Terasa dunia ini sangat sunyi untukku.
Terasa gelap seketika.

Terduduk bersimpuh di hadapanMu.
Sehingga jiwa hilang di sisi manusia.
Mungkin sahaja ia ‘terbang’ ke sana.
Terbang dengan segala khayalan dan keasyikan syurga.
Membuatkan diri tersenyum duka.

Melihat orang lain mengecapi bahagia,
Sesekali tertanya, adakah bahagia itu untukku?
Atau sahaja ia terus tersimpan dalam rahsiaMu?

Bahagiaku ada dalam dakapanMu.
Dakaplah erat-erat hatiku,
Agar ku tidak pernah merasa kehilanganMu…”

Sekarang Allah berikan cuti yang panjang. Bagiku, ia bukan sekadar cuti. 

Tetapi cuti inilah yang akan ku gunakan sebaik mungkin untuk bermuhasabah diri.

Masa luang yang panjang inilah akanku sinarkan hati yang mungkin ada tersirna.

Mencari kekuatan dalam kelemahan.

Mencari kekuatan iman, dalam kedaifan perasaan.

Merenungi di balik semua kejadian, bukan dengan emosi semata yang dibisikkan oleh syaitan, tetapi biarlah bisikan ketenangan yang diilhamkan oleh Tuhan.

“Perjalanan mencari cinta Ilahi pastinya banyak ujian yang akan terus diuji, kerana pada ujian itulah bukti cinta sejati seorang hamba kepada 
Yang Maha Abadi”

Diri harus sentiasa ‘sedar’ akan kenyataan itu.

Ya, kenyataan yang seringkali ku pesankan pada diri.

Bila Allah tidak memberi apa yang kita mahukan, apakah ia tanda Allah benci?

Tidak sesekali duhai jiwa yang beriman pada Tuhan yang Maha Penyayang.

Malah, itulah ‘manifestasi’ dan ‘ungkapan’ kasih sayang Allah pada seseorang insan yang DIA sayang.

DIA senang untuk mendengar luahan jiwa yang sentiasa berkomunikasi denganNya.

DIA senang untuk sentiasa mendengar luahan syahdu dan air mata yang gugur dalam sujud kepadaNya.

DIA senang sekali kita seperti itu.


Kerana tika itulah jiwa akan ‘dibersihkan’ dengan sinaran iman yang sangat bercahaya.

Kerana tika itulah para malaikat akan senantiasa memayungi insan itu dengan jutaan rahmat.

Dan yang paling agung, kerana tika itulah Allah akan memandang hamba itu dengan pandangan kasih sayang dan penuh keredhaan.

Tidakkah kita mahukan seperti itu?

Allahu Ya Rahman…

Sungguh, daku tidak mungkin sesekali dapat menipu diri sendiri dan kalian.

Betapa rasa hampa dan kecewa kerana di saat akhirnya diri ini tidak dapat jejakkan kaki ke tanah suci Mekah.

Sedih, sehingga mengalirkan air mata.

Kerana jiwa ini juga cuma jiwa insan biasa.

Yang jiwanya terkadang rapuh dan lemah.

Yang jiwanya terkadang buntuh pada air mata.

Kerana air mata yang seringkali menemani, tidak pernah sunyi.

Sehingga diri menjadi ‘pencinta air mata abadi’.

Biarlah air mata ini akan menjadi sumber kekuatan, teman yang menguatkan tika kejatuhan.

Kenapa tidak dapat ke sana?

Panjang cerita andai ingin dihuraikan susur galur ceritanya.

Biarlah jadi rahsia.

Allah masih belum izinkan.

Belum masaku. Belum masaku untuk diundang ke sana.

Malah, ku tidak ingin pergi jika Allah masih tidak ingin menerima kedatanganku.

Sedangkan ku ingin pergi dengan sepenuh hati dan jiwa yang Allah redhai.

Ya. Dalam keadaan DIA teramat senang dan redha menerima kedatanganku.

Itu yang ku damba. Itu yang ku inginkan.

Mungkin, cintaku padaNya belum cukup cinta.

Mungkin, cintaku pada Rasulullah saw belum cukup buktinya.

Mungkin sahaja, imanku yang banyak compang sana sini, yang masih perlu banyak dibaiki dan dibaiki.

Mungkin sahaja aku insan jutaan dosa.

Oh, duhai hati, bersabarlah…

“Hasbunallahu wa nikmal wakil”

(Cukuplah Allah untuk penolong kami dan Dia sebaik-baik pengurus yang terserah kepadaNya segala urusan kami)

Sehingga sahaja di sini.

Sehingga diri bertemu kembali segala kekuatan diri.

Doakanku, teramat hajat doa tulus kalian.

Wassalam wbr.

“Allahurabbi Yang Maha Agung.

Siapa hamba tanpaMu Tuhanku?
Siapalah hamba pada pandanganMu?
Siapalah hamba untuk mentafsirkan semua aturanMu?


Hamba ingin berjalan mengikut takdirMu yang Maha Halus.
TakdiranMu yang Maha Hebat susunannya daripada susunanku.
Kerana Engkau Maha tahu apa yang terbaik untuk tiap hambaMu.

Untuk setiap hamba,
yang beriman dan berpegang padaMu.

Mana mungkin untuk Engkau mensia-siakan sebegitu sahaja?
Tanpa Engkau mengira semua usaha dan air mata.
Kerana Engkau lagi Maha Teliti dalam pengiraanMu.
Tidak akan pernah sesekali Engkau tersalah dalam aturanMu.

Allahurabbi Ya Karim.

UntukMU segala kemuliaan, segala kekuasaan, segala kesempurnaan.
Untukku segala kehinaan, segala kelemahan, segala kekurangan.
Kerana rahmatMu daku hidup,
Kerana rahmatMu daku pulang kepadaMu.
Maka ku kembalikan segalanya padaMu.

Yang Maha Mengetahui apa yang tersembunyi.
Yang Maha memegang segala khazanah kerahsiaan.
Jika ia tetap rahsia,
Maka rahsiakan ia dari pandanganku.
Jika rahsia itu lebih baik untukku.

Jika ia bisa disingkap, maka singkapkan untukku.
Di satu masa kelak.
Agar semakin bertambah keyakinanku pada janjiMu.
Agar semakin bertambah kecintaanku padaMu.
Agar Engkau sentiasa meredhai kehidupanku…”

:hikmatul islam
:25 Mei 2013
:bersamaan 15 Rejab 1435H


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Essential Qualities Of A Professional Hypnotherapist (Madison rainy)

All those individuals who tend to face anxiety or depression can easily hire the services of an experienced hypnotherapist. The expert hypnotherapist will be competent to decrease the level of anxiety and depression from a person's life through some remedial measures. Nonetheless, some people have a propensity to think negative about hypnotherapy. Some individuals think that hypnotherapy is associated with witchcraft and black evil forces but there are genuine verifications that verify the positive legitimacy of this craft. Though, useful medicines and drugs are used to decrease depression and angst, another useful technique is hypnosis. People can bring anxiety and depression under control through useful hypnotherapy. Nevertheless, it is very essential to select the finest hypnotherapist for your anxiety and depression problems. You can easily unearth diverse professional hypnotherapists in Gold Coast area of Australia according to your prerequisite. The top hypnosis gold coast specialist is one who can decrease your depression, anxiety, and other mental difficulties within the shortest time. The selected hypnotherapist must have substantial amount of knowledge and necessary skills to perform diverse hypnotherapy sessions. He must be able to evaluate the current psychological difficulties of an individual in the most empathetic manner.

Hypnotherapy sessions are performed using intense concentration and relaxation techniques. The expert hypnotherapist must be able to focus on the given job in the most scrupulous manner. Any kind of disruption can easily counteract the very spirit of hypnotherapy. Moreover, the affected individual in fact goes into a condition of daze or hypnotized sleep. However, with the help from an experienced hypnotherapist, individuals can easily mediate deeper and highlight their focus on precise tasks and thoughts. Each and every movement will be temporarily shut down from the consciousness. The mind is really focused on affirmative psychological mental metaphors utilizing hypnotization techniques. It is very essential to examine your intention watchfully. What do you wish to attain through hypnotherapy must be the primary contemplation? Only then you can totally concentrate your mind using relaxation and imagery methods. The preferred relationship counselling gold coast specialist must try to analyze all your mental problems tolerantly and empathetically. The preferred hypnotherapist must show compassion towards an individual suffering from depression and anxiety. When a particular hypnotherapist is totally focused on an aspect, he is competent to eliminate all the obstructions scrupulously. The expert must be fully qualified and skilled in performing different forms of hypnotherapy sessions.

The affected individual's brain will be entirely open to different remedial tips. This is the exact point where a person can gain immediate access to remedial process slowly. This process can be very useful when you combine it with cognitive treatment (the most preferred medical depression curative technique). It will help patients to reduce sadness and anxiety. Through this mode, they can concentrate their mind, unwind, attain solutions and pursue useful suggestions provided by

Madison Rainy has written all the material for Reea. In this written article, He has penned about the hypnosis gold coast. He also explains about the relationship counselling gold coast so that every reader get's to know more about that. He loves to write on such topics besides writing poetry. For more information:
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5 Reasons To Use Professional Counselling Services (Caroline Bronte)

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How Counselling Services Can Make Your First Year Of College Easier (Caroline Bronte)

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Boredom kills my creativity

oh hey. been at work since seven. been doing what? typing mostly.
A friend of mine sent me an sms, asking me to help her out with a few pages of documents to be translated.
i said why not. i wont be doing anything important until this friday so yes.
Well i finished it fifteen minutes ago. It took me a while because at the same time i was also busy browsing random unimportant stuff on the net :-)
Another friend texted me also. He asked if i could help translate a book. It consists of 250 pages. Of course i said yes. its cash my dear.
nearly three months since i worked my ass off to continue living (metaphorical).
Have had difficulties, but thank goodness most of my family has helped out a lot. I mean, kei needs not only air and water. She needs diapers, milk, and food. For sure. it is hard being a single parent. but im not complaning. i love working hard as long as everything is for her.
cant really figure out those moms out there who are able to live without a partner. I dont mind living without a  partner. when it gives stress and distraction, why should I have one?
A lot of times in the past, I used to imagine living by myself. And now my wish has come true. I should be happy and celebrate this :)
i will. when the right man arrives. it will truly be a huge celebration.

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Five Areas In Which You Can Benefit From Online Counselling (Caroline Bronte)

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Drug Rehabilitation programs and the helping centers (Gerri)

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What To Look For In An Online Counselling Service (Caroline Bronte)

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God leads me

Demi Allah ya. Sekarang gw udah bener-bener yakin.
Gak bisa ngga.
Pisah. Harus pisah.
Udah terlalu nyakitin.
Gw akuin gw banyak salah, banyak minta, banyak mau.
Bedanya gw introspeksi. kadang gw masih berdoa untuk dia kok.
Sayangnya dia ga berubah.
Demi Allah, gw gak pernah cerita apapun ke laki-laki lain tentang urusan rumah.
Kenapa? karna memang gw ga mau mengundang fitnah.
Kei sm gw masih bisa hidup tenang berdua. Banyak yg sayang sm kei kok, especially me :-)
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Make Up Routine, haiyyah

Its not the first time I'm doing a make up review like this. Don't think it'll be my last either.
I got the urge of posting something but couldn't think of what. Then suddenly this idea popped out :)
So basically i teach early in the morning. Need to be at work the latest at 7:10. 
So I really have to wake up at five to get prepared for everything, including breakfast and making lunch to be brought to the office. (it's more efficient healthier i mean).
What i basically start off with is my hadalabo facewash. Why hadalabo? because it contains pure ingredients. No added alcohol or coloring. Though it kind of smells strange, i can deal with it by holding my breath, hahaha. It used to be imported from Singapore and Japan, and because of which it cost a fortune. Now, it has opened its factory in Bogor area, therefore all the range of Hadalabo products are much more pocket friendly :)


I then spread a little hadalabo lotion (the red one for anti aging) all over my face, then tap on it for half a minute probably to make it become easily absorbed. Bear in mind that though it is called lotion, its texture is pretty watery - like toner. However, minutes after using it, my skin feels moisturized and supple.

3. I continue with Wardah Sunscreen lotion, if necessary. But sometimes i skip this step since I leave work in the morning, i dont really get the sunlight :) After that I go on with the Olay Total Effects or Ponds Age Miracle (either is good on my skin, i purchase the one that's on discount usually). FYI, I've been using olay since I was in college. I trust it all the time, not sure if its halal or not.

4. When my skin is already dry enough I spread a little of my Face Shop HD BB Cream on the cheeks where my of my freckles are. I have always been embarrassed of these freckles. My mom said that I've had freckles since Middle School. (Some bad effects of the Sun for sure).

5. Wardah Face Powder is the next step. I dont know what to say about this product. the reason I'm using it is because its halal and affordable. My mom once said i looked better when using my Maybelline two way cake. Of course mom, it costs more, duh.

6. The other steps include Maybelline mascara, PAC blush, and Sariayu black eyeshadow to fill my spare eyebrows. :)

For my lips, I prefer lipbalm. That's all I can sum up for the review.
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One more day :-)

Hiyaah everybody.
Time to transfer stuff in my head into writing. Today has been easy at work. I only had to teach for one hour, and it was basically just reviewing materials for next week's exams.
Before and after class, I have been spending time at my desk browsing through lots of random stuff.
Yesterday while having lunch with the kids in the school cafeteria, a nanny of one of my boys came up to me and handed me something. 
She said, "Miss could you please give this to S and make him put it on?"
I was like.."What is it?"
Nanny replied, "Its his underwear. S refused to wear it after the swimming class."
And bang! I wasnt sure whether I had to giggle, laugh, or say no to it.
But the nanny then asked me not to push the kid into putting it on. 
I did try asking S to wear his underwear, but he seemed to be furious about it. So i actually put it in his bag. I told him that when he felt like wearing it then go ahead.
These kids are so funny, sometimes. At other times they can really make me go nuts.
Like today, he literally asked me if it was okay for him to defecate. No problem with it kiddos.
Oh yeah, exam week in a few days. It must be a relaxing week for everyone here. And I have also been given the invigilation schedule, and I was a bit surprised since I will only have to invigilate one session out of the four day exam :) Hurray.

What could Kei be doing at home now? I miss her. Seems that there are no other words i can use when it comes to kei. It'll only be around i miss her, i wanna give her a hug, i wanna spend time with her. Different phrases similar point.

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So this is it

Well said. I was absent from work yesterday because I had to do some stuff. One was to look for a school for kei. I have not decided yet though. Last night, while putting kei to bed, i read her a story but then she started calling my nama and crying. She must have had a short bad dream i guess.
OOT, i think i am confident enough to step a little further now. Kei and I do not deserve to be treated like we have been. I know i made a lot of mistakes and am not going to defend myself.
But still, having a bit talk to ourselves may do us good. 
Stop blaming other people. My mom especially. She has nothing to do with it. But still, she was sent a letter filled with terrible swear words.
But what have I and kei received so far? None. i am not asking for anything else except being with her.
I am fine with everything. But kei does not deserve this and never will.
As her mother, I will do my best to protect her. 
Whether or not it is only a game, this is not a common thing. 
Play games behind us, not in front of our families. You are basically embarrassing yourself. 
I have no hatred or anger. None. I am not feeling blunt and leaving everything to God.
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*mimpi yang tersimpan*

Untuk semua semua mimpi yg tergantung di langit,
Untuk semua impian yg tersimpan di bumi.
ku tidak perlukan cahaya untuk menyampaikan hajatku,
ku tidak perlukan angin untuk mengepos rasaku.
kerana ku tahu,
dengan cuma lintasan hati,
DIA maha tahu.
Terlalu rindu.
Sehingga ku kini menjadi seorang perindu.
Sudilah kiranya Engkau menerima kedatanganku?
Kerana ku terlalu ingin bertemuMu di sana
kerana ku terlalu ingin berteleku di hadapan rumahMu
kerana ku terlalu ingin memijak ke tanah suciMu
dengan sepenuh hati dan jiwa ragaku
ku sedari ku masih tidak sempurna mencintaiMu
tetapi hati tetap ingin setia padaMu
hingga hujung waktu....
Izinkan ya rabb...
Allahumma amin......
*Terus berdoa*

Allah khabarkan dari langit.

'Giliranku’ belum tiba lagi.
Belum sampai 'masaku’ lagi.


Hati sentiasa memujuk diri.
Daku harus sentiasa setia menanti.
Menanti huluran jemputan cinta dari Ilahi.

Setia kepadaNya hingga hujung nyawa, 
kerana matlamat hidup akan kembali semula padaNya...

*redhai sambil tertitis air mata*

Berikanku kekuatan yang berpanjangan.
Kurniakan padaku keyakinan yang sentiasa menyakinkan.
Anugerahkan padaku kesabaran yang tidak kehabisan.
Kerana kekuatanku,
Adalah kerana kekuatan dariMu.
Kerana kesabaranku,
Adalah kerana kesabaran dariMu.
Kerana keyakinanku,
Adalah keyakinan yang Engkau sandarkan untukku.

Kerana ku tidak punyai apa-apa
Selain cinta dan redhaMu itu yang ku damba
Di setiap hela nafas,
Di setiap air mata tangis,
Namun Engkau Maha Tahu...

~Cukuplah Engkau Untukku, Allah~

: hikmatul islam
: 130513
: 1027 pm
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How Drug Testing Acts As a Deterrent Against Workplace Drug Abuse? (Drugteststrips)

Workplace drug abuse has become a major concern for many organizations across the United States. Apart from reducing productivity of drug abusing employees and increasing the instances of causalities, drug abuse at workplace negatively impacts the company's morale as good employees start leaving the company to avoid drug abusing colleagues.

To avoid such situations every organization should follow an effective drug testing program to ensure safe, healthy and productive working environment. Read this article to understand how an effective drug testing program in place acts as a deterrent against workplace drug abuse.

Employers need to conduct effective drug testing programs:

Employers might stay aloof from the fact that the employee is under the influence of drugs, as long as it does not interfere in performing his regular duties. However, it becomes a matter of concern when the employee's performance drops, which leads to increased number of sick leaves, frequently coming late to workplace, inadequate grooming, increasing number of errors in work, lack of coordination and cooperation at workplace, aggressiveness, etc.

During such situation, it is necessary for the employer to be sensible and undertake measures such as conducting regular i.e., scheduled or random drug testing. Conducting scheduled drug testing is likely to be helpful for newly joined employees. But for the existing employees, as they come to know the scheduled period for drug tests, they may get smart to go unaffected by such tests. For them random drug testing is often recommended. In random drug testing, the date and the persons who are going to be tested are not known beforehand.

With such drug tests the suspected employee will have a chance to make necessary corrections in terms of drug using behavior, that is, to get rid of influence of drugs. The employer, however, should make sure that there is strong ground to suspect the employee.

Employers should also make sure that they are in compliance with state laws with regard to workplace drug testing. The provisions of law vary across states. Your employees may bring cases of litigation against you, if they feel that your organization has breached their privacy.

Drug test kits are suitable to test employees:

In order to conduct a successful drug testing program the employers should use reliable drug test kits that not only show accurate results but also are convenient for on-site drug testing. They can use drug test kits such as urine drug test kits and saliva drug test kits. These kits are cost effective, fast, simple, safe, accurate and above all convenient to conduct drug tests at workplace.

Urine drug test kits can be used to detect drugs like marijuana, cocaine, opium, methamphetamine, benzodiazepines and the like. Saliva drug test kits can be used to test amphetamine, opiates, cocaine, methamphetamine, THC and other metabolites. Based on the drug abuse pattern in the workplace employers can choose either single or multi-panel drug test strips/cups.

Drug testing acts as a deterrent against drug use:

Drug testing at workplace is likely to check the influence of illicit drugs among employees. Also it gives a strong message to the employees that working under the influence of drugs is highly unacceptable. It, thus, increases the fear of losing job in them and acts as a deterrent against such behavior, as there is a fear of getting caught.

This way employers can establish a drug-free workplace. Employees are, therefore, better focused and hence become more productive. Further, it also improves employee-employer relationship as the employer might reward the non-abusers, as a policy measure.

Drug testing at workplace is likely to help the organizations maintain a healthy, safe and drug-free environment. Such organizations will have optimal employee productivity and reduced medical treatment costs. is an online store offering reliable, easy to use and FDA approved marijuana drug test kits at affordable prices. Thc test from is a simple to administer dip-and-read test designed to detect marijuana use in urine.
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Prevent Drug Abuse at Schools Using Random Drug Testing (Drugteststrips)

The influence of illicit drugs is widespread among students. A study conducted by National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse in 2012 shows that 17% of students at high school, which is equivalent to 2.8 million of high school students were abusing drugs during school hours. Such trend is likely to cause damage to the health of a large section of prospective citizens of the country.

It is, therefore, the responsibility of all sections of society, especially schools, to check and control this menace by taking preventive measure. Random drug testing is said to be one of the effective method that could help schools to control drug abuse among students. Read this article to know about random drug testing at schools and its effectiveness.

Educational institutions need to maintain drug free environment:

*It is the responsibility of schools to create and maintain a drug free environment in their premises to safeguard students. For this, school authorities need to declare drug free environment as one of the standards under relevant academic policies. Of course, they need to request parents, students, guardians, community and government level people, for their support.

*Schools should make students aware of the issue of illicit drug use and their harmful consequences on health, family and finances. They should emphasize on spreading the message among students as a matter of rule and should also make them aware of the steps to be taken by authorities, such as make parents know, or expulsion from the school.

Conduct random drug tests:

*To combat drug influence among students, schools need to conduct random drug testing. In random drug testing students are not sure when they are going to be tested because the dates are not known beforehand. Thus, it deters students from using drugs for fear of being detected.

*Using random drug testing is likely to lead students to focus on academic chores. It makes them abide by the rules as required. Random drug testing is an effective way to root out drug influence from schools. It is likely to be a disincentive for those who are going to try drugs. Further, it enables school authorities to detect drug influence on a student, in the beginning state. This will make it easy for them to take necessary and immediate steps before things go beyond control.

*By this, students are likely to lead a healthy life and are focused on academics, which helps them in getting good career opportunities.

Use reliable drug test kits:

To enforce random drug testing, using reliable drug testing kits is highly essential. The kits which you choose would provide accurate results which helps you take right decisions. Drug tests kits are available in different kinds depending on the test specimen used. These kits are safe, simple, cost effective, fast and have been made as per SAMHSA standards.

Influence of illicit drugs among high schoolers makes it dangerous not only to the students there, but also to the families and society as a whole. Random drug testing in schools has been declared constitutional By Supreme Court in 2002. Schools can, therefore, use random drug testing as an effective tool against the influence of illicit drugs. is an online store offering reliable and FDA approved drug test kits at affordable prices. Marijuana drug test from is a simple to administer dip-and-read test designed to detect marijuana use in urine. Our nicotine testing kit is a device used for the detection of cotinine in human urine.
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